From science to practice: AI inside of 5G & 6G networks

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Norman Franchi, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
1. Juli 2024 // 17:0020:30

Evening event

AI-Driven Networks: From 5G Innovation to 6G Horizons“

taking place on the evening of July, 1th at 5:00 PM at KI Park Berlin.

Dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and learn how it is shaping the future of networks from 5G to the horizons of 6G. Our speakers, from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg [FAU], Deloitte and Nvidia are representing both industry and academia and will show the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in this interesting field.

Join us to:

  • Explore the changing of 5G to 6G and understand how AI is driving it forward.
  • Gain exciting insights from industry experts and leading researchers e.g. the group leaders of chair of electrical smart city systems of FAU.
  • Participate in discussions and networking opportunities to establish potential collaboration within research teams.

Enjoy informative discussions and networking opportunities in KI Park Berlin and register here.


We look forward to welcoming you on July, 1th at KI Park Berlin and experiencing an unforgettable event together.